Biblical Economics is a monumental book. The author has packed so much into its pages that it is more like an encyclopedia than a book. In fact, I think of it as library on the subjects of (1) what the Bible says about work and money, (2) what the Protestant/Puritan tradition has said about work and money, and (3) what a Christian needs to know about the contemporary financial scene. For anyone seeking information and edification on these subjects, Biblical Economics is a one-stop destination. – Dr. Leland Ryken, author of Worldly Saints and Redeeming the Time

In one of his enduring adages from Poor Richard’s Almanac, Ben Franklin observed that: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Readers who invest their time studying Biblical Economics will be amazed to discover vital God-breathed knowledge, understanding, and wisdom—also used by the Puritans—that will not only pay the best return for one’s personal finances, but also pay great spiritual dividends as well.  God’s way works!  – Dr. Judd Patton, Professor Emeritus in Economics, Bellevue University

The Bible offers ample advice on the right way to earn, spend, and save money. But you need to know where to look for it. John is an expert guide who knows how timeless advice can be put to work in our everyday here and now. – Dr. Benedikt Koehler, Fellow of the Economics of Religion, Institute of Economic Affairs

2022 – John Wesley on Money – Reviews of five sermons on Wesley’s financial ethics. Mainly focused on avoiding luxury, remembering God in our economic activities, and setting aside a benevolence fund for the poor, widows, and orphans. Also clears up what the Bible means by the rich and their riches; and the spiritual danger that those people are in. Materialism, hedonism, and snobbery are shot down as great economic vices and hindrances for the Christian’s spiritual life. A nice soul-cleansing antidote for the poison of the prosperity gospel. 119 pages.

This little book is a keeper; and you will repeatedly be tempted to skip the Wesley sermon; and skip directly to the discussion group! I thoroughly enjoyed this! – Dr. Keith Drury, Professor of Religion Emeritus, Indiana Wesleyan University

For our day, when economic issues seem to dominate almost every aspect of life, it is especially timely to hear from John Wesley on money, the poor, luxury, pride in wealth, poverty, and other related questions. In this book John has reprinted five of Wesley’s characteristically biblical, sensible, and perceptive sermons on these subjects. His helpful historical introductions and his careful theological discussion of the sermons make them a spiritual treasure for considering the “treasures” of this life. – Dr. Mark Noll, author of The Rise of Evangelicalism: The Age of Edwards, Whitefield, and the Wesleys

2022 – Nurture and Admonition – The Biblical responsibilities of Christian parenting from commentaries on Ephesians 6:4: from the time of the church fathers to the Puritans. Also some examples of bad parenting to avoid. 65 pages.

2021 – My Walk with Jesus – From when I was a little kid until now–this is an experiential and theological autobiography. The testimony of my conversion; and occasions of revelations, miracles, and other divine interventions in my life so far. I pray it serves as an encouragement to normal Pentecostals trying to live for Jesus. 86 pages.

2021 – Supernatural Lights  This is mainly a study of angelic lights, but also takes a look at the shekinah glory of God and demonic lights, for the sake of spiritual discernment. Today, many charismatics and New Agers are seeing supernatural lights; and its important to know how to interpret and respond to them. 37 pages.

2019 – Miracles Are for Today!  This is a refutation of B. B. Warfield’s Counterfeit Miracles. It shows that cessationism has its origins with Enlightenment rationalism and skepticism; and answers Warfield’s doubts about Scripture, his rejection of miracles in church history, and his cessationist opinions. 68 pages.